Welcome to the Boise TurnKey Beat- Thank you for reading! We plan on filling the newsletter with valuable information every month regarding the latest stats and trends specifically in the Boise market. We'll also include articles and information on growth and major projects in our market and we'll occasionally include a project of our own that we are working on for our clients. Finally- we also want you to get a feel for what makes Boise so great and why people keep coming here- events, businesses expanding, new restaurants, etc. 

We absolutely want it to be entertaining and have meaningful information for you. If you want to hear more about a specific subject or want an article on an upcoming project you are aware of, please let us know. Feedback is welcome and encouraged. 

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The Boise TurnTea

Can you imagine handing over your nestegg to a stranger? Would you give your financial account info to just anyone? Well- did you know that in the State of Idaho, there are no education or licensing requirements to becoming a property manager? Would you deliberately leave your investments in the hands of an untrained, inexperienced manager calling themselves a professional just because they hung a shingle? What can you do to ensure that the team looking after your assets is actually qualified and trustworthy to do so? Here at Boise TurnKey, we require our team to go above and beyond, instead of just punching a time card. Here are just a few ways that we raise the bar for our industry and provide education significantly above the bare minimums.

Boise TurnKey Property Management requires all members of our team to become NARPM members (National Association of Residential Property Managers) within the first week of training. Our entire team are members of both the local Southwest Idaho chapter, and also the National chapter. In order to call ourselves NARPM managers, we are held to higher ethical standards. We have adopted accounting standards approved on a national level. We attend monthly meetings locally where we learn about Idaho specific trends and issues, and are briefed on legislative issues locally and nationally. Members have access to a plethora of webinars and live classes on topics ranging from maintenance basics to office organization. If you hire a NARPM member, you can be assured that they're being held to higher industry standards.

Our management team has mandatory attendance requirements for the annual yearly Fair Housing Conference in town, held by the IAA. This affords our team the opportunity to learn from representatives of both the legal field and personnel from HUD and local housing organizations. We learn everything from legalities around how to accurately screen emotional support animals and what documentation to require, to best practices in establishing housing capacity, or how to avoid discrimination claims when answering calls about accessing an open house.

Our Leadership team attends a national summit for broker/owners every year. At this conference, we are able to work on the business- not just in the business- to ensure we provide the best products and services we can for our clients, residents, and vendors alike. This year, we heard from and met one of the biggest contributors on Bigger Pockets- David Greene, as well as rubbed shoulders with Marc Cunningham- a 30 year industry veteran who also coaches property managers and teams.

Once a month, our entire company brings together both the real estate and management branches to provide "Lunch and Learn" opportunities. We host guest speakers like appraisers, lawyers, inspectors, Title company representatives, lenders, etc., to help answer our burning questions and also provide guidance as to how they participate in our industry.

Our team participates in quarterly book studies! We use guiding questions to examine our policies, procedures, habits and communications- and how we can continue to improve. Past titles include but are not limited to Atomic Habits (by James Clear), The ONE Thing (Keller/Papasan), The Go-Giver (Bob Burg and John David Mann), Never Split the Difference (Chris Voss) and Bluefishing (Steve Sims).

Opportunities to learn are everywhere- and even the most experienced manager on our team can and will continue to seek knowledge and information regularly. Boise TurnKey Property Management will never stop improving, stretching, and gaining knowledge and skills to improve both your client and resident experiences, as well as elevating the business and industry in general! 

Out on the Town

July 3rd -  Alive after 5 - Downtown Boise

July 4th -  Middleton Car show

                    Fireworks at Ann Morrison

                    Emmet Parade

                    Food Truck Rally Kuna 

July 10th - Wine Down Nampa 

July 11th -  Great Garden Escape Concert Series

July 18th - Summer BBQ Settlers Park

July 25th- Canyon County Fair

                    Great Garden Escape Concert Series 

July 26th - Nampa's Silver screen on the green

July 27th-  Boise Farmers Market 

July 30th - Tuesdays on the Creek Indian creek plaza

July 31st -   Alive after 5 Grove Plaza

In Other News

We simply could not choose between these two amazing cocktails. The Sweet Tea Mule and the Cajun Lemonade will be the hit of your next BBQ!

Sweet Tea Mule and Cajun Lemonade

Sweet Tea Mule


4 ounces sweet tea vodka

juice of 1 lime

1 cup ginger beer


lime slices for garnish


Fill 2 glasses with ice. Add 2 ounces of vodka, half the lime, and ½ cup ginger beer to each glass. Top with lime slices.

Cajun Lemonade


12 ounces white rum or vodka

4 ounces Pimm's No. 1

8 ounces fresh lemon juice

4 ounces Simple Syrup

1/2 tablespoon Tabasco


8 ounces chilled 7-Up

Thin lemon wheels, for garnish (optional)


In a large resealable container, combine all of the ingredients except ice, the 7-Up and the lemon wheels. Refrigerate until chilled, at least 1 hour. Cover tightly and shake, then pour into an ice-filled pitcher. Strain into ice-filled rocks glasses, stir in the 7-Up and garnish with lemon wheels

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