A previous elementary school teacher who specialized in the dual exceptional child, Heather oversees operations for our sister company, CohesionProperties.com. Her knowledge of every nook and cranny of the valley coupled with her consistent involvement in the local NARPM® chapter, make her incredibly well rounded. Heather takes pride in the quality and ethical way that our property management company operates. She loves being able to provide high quality tenants with well cared for homes and treating them with dignity. She knows that combination will make your investment passive and bring higher ROI.
When Heather isn’t making magic happen for your tenants, she loves to travel with her husband and three young boys. She is working towards her goal of living abroad with the family for a semester (or a decade…).
We are a diverse team of real estate professionals who love to serve investors and clients with personal properties in Boise, Idaho and beyond. Boise Turnkey Properties Brokered by Exp.